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So you’re finally ready to play full out, create your dream online business and live life on your terms?  I am all the way here for it!  Let’s Get Started.  Shall We?

“I'm so glad I came across LeShawnda. I am learning to automate my business and I created my first webinar, The Secret to Finding Scholarships!”

— A Andrews, Founder, The Scholarship Coaches

Who is LeShawnda Fitzgerald?

I thought you’d never ask.  Super Nice to meet you if we haven’t met already.

I am LeShawnda Fitzgerald mom, coach, author, entrepreneur and digital product creator extraordinaire.

I founded my first business Ready For Spanish in 2010 after being laid off from my job as a public school teacher (crazy right?).

I had no clue what I was jumping into, but I dove head first into the world of entrepreneurship.

Scary, huh?

The program was a hit.  I had so many students I didn’t know what to do (even scarier).  I tried hiring people, but it just wasn’t working out.  I was a business of one.

Still Reading?  Okay.

I needed a way to duplicate myself.  In 2012, I was in fact able to duplicate myself by creating my first digital product (huge gasp!) Digital products allowed me to create something one time that was assessable 24/7 to my clients.  Even though my product was there, I wasn’t physically there.  Can we say game changer.

Since then I’ve gone on to create 3 thriving online businesses and have sold thousands of digital products to clients all over the world.  I’ve definitely learned a lot along the way and I can’t wait to share it all with you.